Heard From God Lately?

listening to God

God always has something to say to us. Are we listening?


Heard from God lately?

I don’t mean ‘talked to God lately’ but actually heard from him?

Sometimes we miss an important aspect of who God is. He’s far more than a listening post … He’s a communicator! And communication is a two way street.

Rather than always unloading on God, why not ask him to download to you? Prayer works far better when it’s a dialog, not a speech. It’s ludicrous to imagine God watching over his creation, observing chaos and questions in our lives and having nothing to say about any of it.

That’s preposterous!

There are three simple steps to getting the words not only going up, but coming down as well. First, desire to hear God speak to you. He is a gentleman and won’t interrupt the things in your life that you deem important. More vital than you needing to see more news, watch more sports or catch up with developments on Twitter or Facebook, you need to hear what God has to say to you. Develop a desire for his voice. Anyone who belongs to God listens gladly to the words of God.” John 8:47 NLT

Second, learn to recognize his voice. It’s very unique and in short order you will  know the sound of that voice and look forward to hearing it. (By the way, God most likely won’t speak with his ‘outside voice’ – you know, the one that can break cedars and shake mountains! Psalm 29).

He will use his ‘inside voice’ – “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” Psalm 32:8 NIV Although he most often speaks through his written Word, he may speak through those around us … a spouse, a parent, pastor or friend. It may sound like their voice, but could easily be God talking to us through their words.

Third, once you’ve recognized his voice you must respond to it in obedience. Why would he continue to give us directions and counsel when we haven’t responded obediently to his last instructions? Remember, every time we hear from God it requires some kind of action on our part. We must obey or go or speak or give. God never small-talks. His words are filled with power and purpose and direction.

This week take count of the issues you face and then give God a chance to speak to those things. They may be words of comfort, direction or counsel. But He will speak … if we give him time and our ears.

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