Archive | August, 2019

Parts -  Am I Your Servant?  Part 3

Parts – Am I Your Servant? Part 3

  Ever been embarrassed by someone who always took on the jobs nobody else wanted, constantly volunteering for whatever comes along … even hard work. You feel scrounged because you assume that if you loved Jesus you would be more like them. Welcome to the world of the ‘Server.’  (Romans 12:7) They run toward words […]

You've been introduced to all seven of God's motivational gifts. Find yours and use it lavishly!

Parts – Me a Prophet? (Part 2)

  When we hear the word ‘prophet’ we think immediately of the Old Testament characters who would walk up to a wicked king and say, ‘Thus saith the Lord …” and foretell his demise and destruction of his kingdom. These were powerful figures who spoke powerfully for God. If they spoke something and it didn’t […]

InGod's Kingdom, parts are not just parts ... they're essential to his whole plan!

Sum Of the Parts … Part 1

  The average church congregation is multi-faceted! There are young, old, men, women, children, teens and in-betweens. Some are of means, others would be of means if they only had the means! There are Democrats and Republicans, Independents and non-political. (And we don’t make one group sit by itself.) There are high tech people, low […]