
Can I Sense The Presence Of God?

  “… in your presence there is fullness of joy:”  Psalm 16:11 ESV Imagine you’re halfway through your shift at Cosmos Burgers. There hasn’t been much to distinguish this workday from any others this week. But a burble starts to permeate the melancholy of this day when word has it the Presidential motorcade is pulling […]

A threatening storm is moving in! Who should I call for help?

Father Beats Uncle Every Time

  Who do you look for when the sky begins to fall? What is your plan if an adversary pins you to the mat and intends your career to be over? Who do you instinctively call out to when your world quits making sense and panic finds you calling out into the night of your […]


Just Another Monday

  It’s Just Another Monday…  It’s 10:30 Monday morning, and Chicken Little was right all along…the sky is falling. Not in its entirety, but significant chunks are coming down. It began yesterday morning when our Children’s Director told me that two elementary Sunday School teachers wanted a year’s sabbatical from their classes. That evening I […]


A Recent True Story

  No one should dread getting an email or Facebook message and faint while reading it. So I’ve cut my weekly devotionals down. I’ve been pretty good in my limited communication. However… Today’s personal story with two take-aways, needs extra words. My knee replacement was scheduled for April 5, 2023. I steeled myself for the […]

Whatever it takes... slow down, get quiet, relax. 
God wants to talk with you!

Listen… God’s Speaking

God opened his mouth and hurled 50,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars across billions of light years. Counting them at one per second would consume the next fifteen hundred trillion years! (For just the stars in our small galaxy would only take you slightly less than ten thousand years to count!) God’s voice can break cedar trees (Psalm 29:5). […]

tight fisted

Quit Shaking In Your Boots

Excuse me, but there are some ‘Goliaths’ attempting to steal your God-given territory. They want to steal your peace, your kids, your future. At first glance they appear unstoppable, unbeatable; their progress causes you to believe they’’ll soon be in the winner’s spotlight. But that’s only what the physical eyes see. Look beyond the ‘obvious’ […]

Ignore despair and grab onto hope. God has enough of whaat you need to get you where you both want to go!

Ignoring The Despair Whisperer

Listening to the ‘Despair Whisperer’ is always a step in the wrong direction! He tells you that hope is hopeless, that nothing will change. He’ll disparage your future by reminding you of your past. Instead,“ turn your attention to the Great Disrupter of Despair: “To all who mourn in Israel, (I) will give a crown […]