Good morning! This is not a “Fresh Heart For a New Week.” This is simply an explanation of the new format you have now received for two weeks. As I previously forewarned you (smile) … I now have a new website: and your weekly devotions from me are coming from that site and in […]
Archive | October, 2012
Why Your Mouth Matters
“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” Aren’t you glad I told you that? Actually, that sentence is a ‘pangram’ – a phrase that uses all the letters of the alphabet in a coherent and short manner. You may remember it from typing class if you’re older than 50 years old! It’s […]
How To Be More Than Religious
I was outside this afternoon vacuuming the grass in my backyard OK, an explanation is in order. We live in the desert on acreage with at least a thousand jackrabbits and cottontails within hopping distance of our home. And, obviously they are partial to green growing grass over dried up tumbleweed. And as they eat […]
Why God Recalculates
Fresh Heart For a New Week I don’t make it a habit of talking to inanimate objects. You won’t find me conversing with fire hydrants, lamp shades or running shoes. I have nothing to say to swinging doors, stop signs or the tires on my car. I do, occasionally, tell my tomato bush that it’s […]
May I Help You?
I made up an amusing word the other day. At least, I believe I am the first to have coined it. Its meaning is: Looking forward to something that doesn’t turn out as you expected. The word? ANTICIPOINTMENT. I know of few pastors who at some level cannot identify with that word. Ministry usually comes […]
Whittling or Carving?
I recently heard a speaker recount an experience he had as a young boy growing up in the hills of Tennessee. He was at an old general store watching some locals sitting on the porch turning pieces of wood into piles of shavings on the floor. “You’ve been doing that all day,” he said to […]