The wily old monarch of the Old Testament – Nebechudnezzar – had a dream one night that scared him so badly that although he couldn’t remember the dream, the horror of it wouldn’t let go of him. He had to know what he had dreamt and what it meant to his kingdom. Summoning his […]
Archive | May, 2013
God’s Pop Quiz
It’s amazing how much teaching Jesus did through his use of questions. He would give a pop quiz and depending on how you answered the question, you learned something in the process. One such revealing quiz takes place in John 6 when Jesus and his disciples play host to 5,000 spiritually hungry men, […]
Pastors and Pedestals
60 Seconds of Pastoral Pondering As a pastor, the crowds can make us or break us. They shouldn’t have the power to do either. We’ve all been beaten down by negative comments … wrongly encouraged to morph into someone or something we weren’t called or equipped to be … made to be […]
Last week’s Nascar race was won by a 101 to 1 underdog. He wasn’t supposed to win … but he did. In the 1980 Olympics a motley group of amateur and college hockey players were pitted against an elite group of Soviet professionals. There was no way they were to even be competitive, […]
Big Rocks
A professor stood before a roomful of the brightest and best. All were high intensity, success-at-any-cost, go full out until you get what you are going after kinds of students. He held up a large glass jar and proceeded to fill it to the top with large rocks. “Is this jar filled?” he asked. The […]
Passing Your Faith Along … Successfully!
So each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting his glorious miracles and obeying his commands. Psalm 78:7 The transferring of faith from one generation to the next is not automatic. Children don’t receive a relationship with their parent’s God through osmosis while they sleep. There isn’t a ‘faith fairy’ who […]