Is your walk with God based on history or hysteria? By ‘history’ I mean do you have an observable history and track record of God’s love and faithfulness in your life that you look back on to draw courage and assurance at any time? Like David in the Book of Psalms, do you cry out […]
Archive | July, 2016
‘Almost’ Isn’t Enough
When is almost enough? Hardly ever. ‘Almost’ means coming up just short before the next payday. It means hitting the wall at mile 25 in a marathon. It means losing being salutatorian by getting a B+ instead of an A in your last class. ‘Almost’ gets you second place instead of first. It finds […]
The ‘How Long?’ Question
Sitting by the hospice-provided hospital bed in the living room of friends, the wife looked at her failing husband as he fought life’s last battle … and asked a question she knew did not have an obvious answer: “He’s ready to go, but why does God delay?” Why, indeed. Throughout Scripture we find the […]
Sticking Out
The most embarrassing experience to this point in my life (can’t wait to see what I can pull off in the years ahead!) occurred as a band member in high school. The eighty members formed two parallel lines diagonally from a corner of the end zone about a third of the way toward the […]
5 Lessons From My Logbook
I have recorded every commercial airline flight I’ve ever taken … beginning in June of 1952. On that day I traveled with my parents to Miami from Havana, Cuba where my Dad had been doing ministry. Up through my latest flight I have flown over 1,116,000 miles strapped into airline seats (which have […]