“Jesus said, “You’re asking the wrong question. You’re looking for someone to blame. There is no such cause-effect here. Look instead for what God can do.” John 9:2,3 MSG We love ‘cause and effect’ answers to our questions. There are always people and ideas to blame when our lives are disheveled and out of […]
Archive | September, 2021
Doing Our Part
What if our cries of repentance and turning to God with all of our hearts actually did turn God’s favor and Spirit in our direction and we found ourselves living under an ‘open heaven’… what would that be like? And for any of you who feel that we are not worthy of such a […]
Open Heavens
What is an ‘open heaven?’ An open heaven is a spiritual portal. It can also be defined as a gate, window or door. It provides a way to bring heaven into our world. It makes possible the transfer of heaven’s agenda to overtake our own. Note the following: In one of the […]
Joyful, Believing Prayer
“This is what Lord Yahweh says: “Soon I will raise my hand and signal to the nations, and they will come with your little boys bundled in their arms and your little daughters carried on their shoulders.” Isaiah 49:22 TPT When we align ourselves with God’s plan, hear his heart and good intentions […]