It’s a Bible story which doesn’t end well. At least with me. Today’s lecture is being given by a man whose sinful greed and punishment for that offense has a sobering warning for all of us. The culprit’s name was Achan and his parents both died in the wilderness after failing to believe God’s […]
Archive | June, 2023
A Life Lesson From Peter and John
“One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer…” Acts 3:1 NIV The great theologian Woody Allen once stated: “70% of success is in just showing up.” Often times the miracle of being in the right place at precisely the right time has more to do with […]
A Life Lesson From Jonathan
“Let’s go across to those heathen… perhaps the Lord will do a miracle for us. I Samuel 14:6 TLB In this day of wide-spread doubt as to God’s power and intentions, it’s difficult to find faith in quantifiable amounts in most… even Christians! We hear things like: “If God wants to do something, He’ll […]
A Life Lesson From Andrew (Peter’s brother)
On the Sunday of Jesus’ resurrection, both Peter and John raced to the empty tomb to verify the report of Mary Magdlene. In John 20 verse 4 it says that “Both were running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first.” It should be noted that the ‘other disciple’ was John, […]