There are two distinct ways to shut down Christmas… but don’t! For some, it’s time to put things back where they belong, move the couch back to its preferred position, get the lights taken down from the front porch, move the manger scene from in front of the TV so the remote will work […]
Archive | December, 2022
My Friend
I can lose myself in Christmas faster than you can drop and shatter a Christmas tree ornament! I love its majesty with the quiet Bethlehem night, bright star and angel choir. And I really lose myself in the characters of the story – the Baby Jesus, Ancient Anna and Simeon as they wait […]
“…the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and she will call his name Immanuel (God with us). Isaiah 7:14 NLT Our nephew sings in a night of worship on the first Tuesday of every month in the Dallas area. His giftedness and heart are both amazing. In the course of last […]
A Kid Again!
I detest the fact that as we age, we begin picking things apart… including the Gospel. We complicate things entirely too much, while a child is drawn to the simple. We make faith a difficult thing to hold on to, while a child believes easily. We err on the side of skepticism, but kids […]