Archive | 60 Seconds of Pastoral Pondering

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Just Another Monday

  It’s Just Another Monday…  It’s 10:30 Monday morning, and Chicken Little was right all along…the sky is falling. Not in its entirety, but significant chunks are coming down. It began yesterday morning when our Children’s Director told me that two elementary Sunday School teachers wanted a year’s sabbatical from their classes. That evening I […]

Flock … Not Corporation Assets

A PERIODIC BLOG FOR PASTORS AND LEADERS “Being a pastor has changed dramatically in the last fifty years … being a shepherd hasn’t!” From being a ‘generalist’ (needing to run the church as a one-man-band) to highly evolved specialists … it’s changed. From the demands made on us to know more, handle more, do more […]

Heaven’s Heroes

Heaven’s Heroes   It’s been on the schedule since before creation and we’ve waited to participate in it since we first heard it announced. The rewards for Christian service are about to be given out. We stand with attention transfixed on the judgment seat of Christ. (II Corinthians 5:10) The throng cannot be numbered and […]