It’s Just Another Monday… It’s 10:30 Monday morning, and Chicken Little was right all along…the sky is falling. Not in its entirety, but significant chunks are coming down. It began yesterday morning when our Children’s Director told me that two elementary Sunday School teachers wanted a year’s sabbatical from their classes. That evening I […]
Archive | 60 Seconds of Pastoral Pondering
RSS feed for this sectionIt’s Time To Let Go: Of The Expectations Of Others
Note: longer than a Fresh Heart weekly devotional but aimed at my fellow ministers. A longer read, but tackling an issue that many of us face. It’s Time To Let Go Of: THE EXPECTATIONS OF OTHERS Scriptural Background: “So the Twelve called a meeting of the disciples. They said, ‘It wouldn’t be right for […]
God’s Hierarchy
60 Seconds of Pastoral Ponderings A blog for leaders “Authority and Towels” “Jesus knew that the Father had given him authority over everything and that he had come from God …” John 13:3 New Living Translation Give some people a little power and it instantly reveals the person they are on the inside. […]
Still the Blueprint
60 Seconds of Pastoral Ponderings A blog for leaders As a pastor I get excited reading the Book of Acts. And why not? It’s still the blueprint for the church right now. Nations rise and fall, morality takes center stage and a decade or two later is kicked clear out of the theater. Opinions […]
Flock … Not Corporation Assets
A PERIODIC BLOG FOR PASTORS AND LEADERS “Being a pastor has changed dramatically in the last fifty years … being a shepherd hasn’t!” From being a ‘generalist’ (needing to run the church as a one-man-band) to highly evolved specialists … it’s changed. From the demands made on us to know more, handle more, do more […]
Finish … and Finish Well
60 Seconds of Pastoral Pondering -a blog for leaders’ “And now I am bound by the Spirit to go to Jerusalem. I don’t know what awaits me, except that the Holy Spirit tells me in city after city that jail and suffering lie ahead. But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it […]
Are All The Saved Loved?
60 Seconds of Pastoral Pondering (A blog for leaders) It was a prayer request during a service. It was supposed to have been, “Please pray for all the unsaved loved ones.” But instead the words came out backwards and we were asked to pray for all the “unloved saved ones.” We smiled at this […]
Heaven’s Heroes
Heaven’s Heroes It’s been on the schedule since before creation and we’ve waited to participate in it since we first heard it announced. The rewards for Christian service are about to be given out. We stand with attention transfixed on the judgment seat of Christ. (II Corinthians 5:10) The throng cannot be numbered and […]
Where Has Heaven Gone?
Keeping heaven in focus “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 KJV We don’t think about heaven as much as we used to. And we don’t preach about it much either. And because we don’t, heaven has slipped into the background … […]
Great Intercessors
A Blog for Pastors and Intercessors Someone once said that the mark of a great church is in how much responsibility it is willing to take for reaching the people who surround it. There are some great churches whose doors are always open because they’re in business 24/7. And the doors swing out just […]