Archive | November, 2023

You can trust our Conductor to bring us in 'on time' every time!

Follow The Director

  Over the years, Joanie and I have been able to hear many choirs that our two sons have conducted. Both exercise skills and musical knowledge that still astound us. However, we have never had the privilege of singing in one of their choirs… until this year. Wes is directing the choir in their Christmas […]

God's Voice

Don’t Throw Anybody Away!

  Concerning all the stuff in our crowded lives, there are two extremes for handling it. At one end of the spectrum are the hoarders. Everything materially that comes into their lives they hang on to frantically (and often drown under) during their lives. On the other hand are the ‘chuckers’ who easily part with […]


This Little Light Of Mine

  “Once more Jesus addressed the crowd. He said, ‘”I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.” John 8:12 AMP  There’s no easy way to drop this truth on you, but… you are a light-bearer for the Light of the […]