“The Lord had clearly instructed the people of Israel, “You must not marry them, because they will turn your hearts to their gods.” Yet Solomon insisted on loving them anyway. He had 700 wives of royal birth and 300 concubines. And in fact, they did turn his heart away from the Lord.” I Kings 11:2,3 NLT […]
Archive | October, 2017
4 Prayers That Raise God’s Eyebrows
Any prayer has power. However, there are several prayers that cause God’s eyebrows to raise … that make him a bit uncomfortable. Watch out for these less than ideal prayers: “If You Can” prayers. In Mark 9 Jesus meets a hurting father whose son is distressed by the devil. He pleads with Jesus: […]
Why We Grab Bannisters
Author John Powell tells a rather poignant personal story about his mother’s last days. Each evening at bedtime he would carry her up a flight of stairs to her bed. Invariably, as he began to climb with her in his arms, she would reach out and grab the banister. “Mother” he would gasp “don’t do […]
Is God Really A Parent
When we begin talking about parenting we immediately jump into the nitty-gritty of the subject … earning respect, administering discipline, age-related characteristics of kids, etc. But it might be helpful to begin with an obvious fact, but one seldom given any thought by most of us. God is also a parent! So before we roll […]
Calm Down … Look Up
It was a week hatched in hell. The nation and our collective nerves were shattered as automatic gunfire turned a country music concert into a killing field. After eight days without sense being made of the madness (as if madness like this could ever make sense) we are left feeling vulnerable, exposed and wondering […]
Proven Love
Everyone loves a good love story. That’s why Hallmark channel is so popular with a lot of women and (if truth be known) quite a few men as well. In spite of their cookie cutter plots and the fact that within the first six minutes we know who will get the boot, who will […]