It’s the story of just one man – but it needs to become part of the narrative of each of our lives. His name was Caleb. He was one of twelve Israelis sent to spy out the Promised Land… the inheritance that God had promised his people since slaves in Egypt. Don’t forget […]
Archive | June, 2020
BenGay Revisited
Our oldest granddaughter is coming to see us this week… with her boyfriend. He already knows us (kind of). We like him. But while just meeting your girlfriend’s parents can be a challenge, I can hardly imagine his temporary discomfort coming to spend a couple of nights with his girlfriends GRANDPARENTS!!! A two generation […]
A Monthly Prayer Blog – June 2020
“The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know. Pray especially for rulers and their governments to rule well so we can be quietly about our business of living simply, in humble contemplation.” I Timothy 2:1,2 The Message It’s both a Christian’s duty […]
Getting Truth Back On Its Feet
Truth is not truth if it is not true. Sounds logical, but a lot of people don’t believe that, or attempt to sneak past it. You cannot manipulate truth and change it. Truth cannot be argued away. Ignoring truth doesn’t make it untrue. Each person cannot make up his own truth. Truth is inflexible. […]
Would You Wash My Feet?
“After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet,” John 13:5 NIV It’s tough to be a pastor now. The pandemic is now followed by the destruction of many cities across America – Godly leaders face a gargantuan challenge: How to unite believers who are split in almost […]
Keep The Road Straight!
“He led them straight to safety. to a city where they could live.” Psalm 107:7 NLT “But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Matthew 7:14 NLT It’s not like the wide entrance to Disneyland, even seen from blocks away. The Bible says that the gate […]