Jesus is coming soon. We all agree and all anticipate it with joy (and relief). But until He does… we will witness a massive moving of his Spirit that will welcome multitudes into God’s Kingdom… almost too many to count. There are three distinct views of this last sentence among Christians: “I don’t […]
Archive | September, 2022
God Is Brooding
“… the earth was a shapeless, chaotic mass, with the Spirit of God brooding over the dark vapors. Then God said, “Let there be light.” Genesis 1:2,3 TLB Even when chaos reigns and order is not yet to be found in what is formless and empty, God broods and hovers over what is to come. And […]
A Champ and a Chump Part 2
In my devotional reading this morning I read of King David’s confession, repentance and humility after his affair with Bathsheba and the ordered murder of her husband (II Samuel 11,12). No excuses or alibis, just a contrite and repentant heart. What a contrast with the chump Saul. We met his son Jonathan (last week’s […]
A Champ and a Chump
This is the first of two parts. The ‘champ’s’ name is Jonathan, the son of King Saul, who is the ‘chump.’ We’ll look at the exploits of the ‘champ’ this week and the wicked deeds of his father next week. The Israelites demanded that Samuel, God’s current prophetic voice in Israel, find them a king […]