Changing The Atmospheric Pressure



The weather patterns in your life can change!

For I cried to him and he answered me! He freed me from all my fears.

Others too were radiant at what he did for them.

Theirs was no downcast look of rejection!” Psalm 34:4,5 TLB

 She was working the counter at a recent Panera Bread visit. She was happy, witty, engaging and excellent at what she did. Other employees picked up her attitude and the very air became vibrant with life and laughter. She was single-handedly creating the atmospheric condition in the entire front half of that establishment.

And it was a ‘high pressure center.’

All of us have experienced low pressure centers. You know, as the pressure lowers the winds increase and bad weather makes its approach. And it’s not just a meteorological occurrence either!

We, too, can usher in dark clouds of gloom and depression or the brilliance of the sun against a sky of perfect blue. We bring to situations either added discouragement or rays of hope. We can add to burdens of guilt and recrimination or be bearers of exciting news of forgiveness.

How I long to be like the ones described in the verses above. People who have escaped slavery and now enjoy immense freedom. Those whose lives were once dominated by crippling fear who now fear no one and nothing. Folks whose lives were trackless and without meaning who now move confidently forward in God’s care and plan.

And does it surprise you to find them ‘radiant?’ Of course not. They’ve become walking ‘high pressure centers’ that brings good weather to all around them. That’s why Proverbs 17:22 says, “A joyful heart is good medicine …” ESV It’s not only good medicine for the person possessing it but for those who are fortunate enough to be close to it.

This week, ask God to allow you the privilege of carrying heaven’s atmosphere wherever you may go. There are many who have lived under storm clouds for too long. Bring some sunshine into their lives with your smile, compassion and message of God’s “Good News forecast”.


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