God – our Provider Part1
No one knows our needs or is as capable of meeting them as God. We’re foolish if we don’t let Him minister to us.
Back in the ‘dark ages’ when I was in Bible School I noticed a peculiar thing take place every day in the cafeteria. No matter the weight or dimension of a person going through the line to get their food… every person received the very same portion.
That was fine for the 100 pound canary who struggled to take in 300 calories, but it was totally inadequate for the 265 pounder behind her. She struggled trying to eat 300 calories and he was losing weight while standing in the line.
God is a far better Provider than that!
He knows just what we need. (He also knows just what we want, and while we may not know the difference, He does!) God is aware of our need for food, housing, protection, clothes, jobs, money, rest, enjoyment, good relationships, peace, freedom, significance, identity, knowledge and much, much more.
- He sees us lonely and puts us among caring friends (Proverbs 17:17)
- He sees us hurting and comes with healing (Luke 6:19
- He sees us lost and comes to rescue us (Luke 19:10)
- He sees us anemic and comes to feed us (Luke 12:24)
- He sees us terrified and comes with his peace (John 14:27)
As a matter of fact, God longs to give you far more than you need. Look at Luke 12:32:
“So don’t ever be afraid, dearest friends! Your loving Father joyously gives you his kingdom with all its promises!” TPT
This week take stock of things in your life that you are lacking. Some of those things are momentary while others have been ongoing. Some of those needs are people, for instance… the need to be free of some and the need to be in relationship with others. God knows just where you are. You may need a break from crowds or God may know you need a ‘party!’
Pray for your needs with an awareness by being specific and possibly writing them down (so you’ll know precisely when and how He met those needs.) And pray with assurance and quit doubting God’s promise to provide for you.
We would have to be foolish to resist or fail to receive what the Father knows we desperately need.
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