You Have A Right To Be Proud
In the interest of counting my blessings, let me just state that I believe that I live in one of the most beautiful places in all of America. Not everyone agrees with my assessment since not every one has ever been to Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho.
The city takes its name from Lake Coeur d’ Alene, an exquisite blue lake with 125 miles of shoreline. It is picturesque in any of its four seasons. You could honor any holiday, anniversary or family reunion with the lake as background for your photos and anyone who saw them would want to move here!
Just sayin’ …
The draw of our little community is startling to behold. There are people who flood our town every week-end from all across the country with many of them ‘on the spot’ deciding to move here! Some go home and find a local house on line and make an offer – sight unseen.
So Coeur d’ Alene has appeal to be sure. When friends or family who have never been here come to visit, we can’t wait to get them in the car… drive down Northwest Boulevard, make the final corner and say “And that’s Lake Coeur d’ Alene!”
Now let’s talk about the ultimate beauty in the life of any believer… our beautiful and non-comparable Jesus, our Savior! How do you show Him off to those who have never met Him. What parts of his beauty do you demonstrate through your life? Which part of his storyline in your life do you reveal to them?
How do you showcase his grace or the “You’ve-never-experienced-anything-like-this” peace that He offers? Can they feel by your love that you must be wonderfully loved to love like you do?
You don’t need to take a four or five mile drive downtown to introduce anyone to the majestic yet humble beauty of the One who went to the cross for you. Let your joy in Him and your security in Him make whoever you talk to begin to make plans to move into His neighborhood. It’s easy to give directions because He doesn’t live next door to you… He lives inside of you!
“The one thing I ask of the Lord— the thing I seek most—
is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,
delighting in the Lord’s perfections
and meditating in his Temple.” Psalm 27:4 NLT
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