Tag Archives: hope

Ignore despair and grab onto hope. God has enough of whaat you need to get you where you both want to go!

Ignoring The Despair Whisperer

Listening to the ‘Despair Whisperer’ is always a step in the wrong direction! He tells you that hope is hopeless, that nothing will change. He’ll disparage your future by reminding you of your past. Instead,“ turn your attention to the Great Disrupter of Despair: “To all who mourn in Israel, (I) will give a crown […]

Jesus walks on the storms that frighten us. He's a present help in time of trouble.

He Walks On What Frightens You

  “The voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the Lord thunders over the mighty waters.” Psalm 29:3 NIV   It was a storm, but they had been in storms before. They had crossed the Sea of Galilee before. It was uncomfortable being tossed by the waves, straining at the oars and still only […]

spiritual battles

This Is God’s Battle – And He Will Win!

    “Let’s get free of God! Psalm 2:3 MSG There is upheaval on the planet! The kingdoms of this world have chosen to take on God’s eternal Kingdom and its followers. We’re living out the skirmish every day, through every newscast and the actions of people setting their sights on an overthrow. Our King’s […]