Creating Intimacy Through Prayer

Gaining Intimacy Through Prayer

Most people are aware of the intimacy generated between God and themselves when and as they pray. And it’s true. There is a depth of knowledge of God and his heart that is gained when we converse with him through prayer. We develop an intimate relationship with the One we pray to.

But something else important is occurring as well. We also develop intimacy with who we pray for and who we pray with.

When we pray for a person, something of intangible value happens to us. We begin to care more deeply for that person. We gain perspective about their situation and sense a ‘link’ between their need and our concern. We see them differently as we pray for them.

You see people you pray for differently from everyone else. Your heart is knit with their heart and God allows you to often feel their pain, confusion and hurt. And in praying for them your heart is linked powerfully with theirs.

Intercessory prayer gives itself for the benefit of someone else and that builds love and a desire to understand better. We find ourselves in their ‘corner’ … fighting their battle right alongside them.

We also develop an intimacy with those we pray with. Kneeling beside someone as they pray … hearing their heart … experiencing their burden … each exposure to this kind of spiritual cooperation builds a strong bond. Every soldier will tell you that a powerful bond develops between men who fight alongside each other.

This is especially true for husbands and wives who regularly pray together. The spiritual cement that glues the hearts and lives together is some of the strongest material available.

As you work on your prayer life, be very aware that every moment you are building an intimate relationship … with who you pray To, For and With!



Paul Walterman

Fresh Heart Ministries

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