Tag Archives: faith

If the crew isn't worried about the bumps, then I'm not either. God isn't worried about the storm, so we shouldn't be either!

Let God Deal With The Turbulence

    There are times in flight when the bumps start adding up… the turbulence is sustained, and you begin to wonder! But after almost two million miles strapped into a seat on an aluminum tube hurtling at terrifically fast speeds while 35,000 feet above the ground, I’ve developed a philosophy. Regardless of the turbulence […]

Once we step out in faith,  (which is our battle) then the battle becomes the Lord's

A Champ and a Chump

This is the first of two parts. The ‘champ’s’ name is Jonathan, the son of King Saul, who is the ‘chump.’ We’ll look at the exploits of the ‘champ’ this week and the wicked deeds of his father next week. The Israelites demanded that Samuel, God’s current prophetic voice in Israel, find them a king […]

Answering  Questions Jesus Asked - Part Two

Answering Questions Jesus Asked – Part Two

  “Why are you gripped with fear? Where is your faith?” Then he stood and rebuked the storm,  saying, “Be still!” And instantly it became perfectly calm.” Matthew 8:26 The Passion This question of Jesus to terrified disciples who thought they were about to drown, might be one of the most important questions of Jesus […]