This is the 20th Year of my weekly devotional called “Fresh Heart For a New Week.” They began at a time when it was unusual to receive a devotion or message of any kind on our phones or tablets and so initially, length of message wasn’t an issue. Fast forward to 2024 when our lives […]
Tag Archives: faith
Let God Deal With The Turbulence
There are times in flight when the bumps start adding up… the turbulence is sustained, and you begin to wonder! But after almost two million miles strapped into a seat on an aluminum tube hurtling at terrifically fast speeds while 35,000 feet above the ground, I’ve developed a philosophy. Regardless of the turbulence […]
It may not turn out as it appears it will… A recent Nascar race was won by a 101 to 1 underdog. He wasn’t supposed to win … but he did. In the 1980 Olympics a motley group of amateur and college hockey players were pitted against an elite group of Soviet professionals. There […]
Is Jesus Listening? Part 2
We have asked but have not received – sought, but as of yet haven’t found it – knocked but no one has come to the door! God has asked us to appeal to Him, we have taken Him up on the offer, but still we wait. Last week we studied ‘waiting on God’ and […]
A Life Lesson From Jonathan
“Let’s go across to those heathen… perhaps the Lord will do a miracle for us. I Samuel 14:6 TLB In this day of wide-spread doubt as to God’s power and intentions, it’s difficult to find faith in quantifiable amounts in most… even Christians! We hear things like: “If God wants to do something, He’ll […]
Who Answers Your Door?
Because we have lived through the last couple of years, we have all been subjected to fear. We’ve moved through Covid with its tests, masks, shutdowns, deaths and confusing reports on what to do with it. We live in financial ‘tough times’… at least for most of us. We’ve been forced to consider radical […]
A Champ and a Chump
This is the first of two parts. The ‘champ’s’ name is Jonathan, the son of King Saul, who is the ‘chump.’ We’ll look at the exploits of the ‘champ’ this week and the wicked deeds of his father next week. The Israelites demanded that Samuel, God’s current prophetic voice in Israel, find them a king […]
Answering Questions Jesus Asked – Part Two
“Why are you gripped with fear? Where is your faith?” Then he stood and rebuked the storm, saying, “Be still!” And instantly it became perfectly calm.” Matthew 8:26 The Passion This question of Jesus to terrified disciples who thought they were about to drown, might be one of the most important questions of Jesus […]
Lengthen Your Vision
How good is your ‘Faith Vision?’ Can you see up close but not very well at a distance? We like the ‘close in’ type of faith… that which doesn’t stretch us or give us anxiety. We think we would prefer small requirements from our believing system. But we were made for much more exciting […]
You were made for stormy weather. Don’t stare at the waves in unbelief, wondering how you got out of the sunny cove with blue skies above and not so much as a ripple in the water. While you buck the heavy seas, cast fearful eyes heavenward into darkening skies and an uncertain conclusion to […]