Where Does Help Come From?
It’s very possible to be looking for the right thing in the wrong place. Like standing at the airport when your ship comes in!
Some people can be found cursing the darkness even as the light is breaking behind them. The very thing they desperately need is on its way, but their back is turned toward it.
The Psalmist lived among people who believed the ‘mountain gods’ would take care of them. I love his bold declaration in Psalm 121:1 – “Shall I look to the mountain gods for help? No! My help is from Jehovah who made the mountains! And the heavens too!” Living Bible
In other words, don’t be looking for an answer, for help or for strength from a direction where it can’t be found.
Several years ago my son and family were invited by friends to view the 4th of July fireworks from a bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean. They arrived early, had a picnic, played some lawn games and visited until the sun disappeared in the west.
They took their seats and listened intently for the “Whoosh” of the first firework’s climb into the sky. They waited and peered … they anticipated the brilliance of that first of many ‘sky spectacles.’ After the second sound of an ascending rocket and still no display, somebody in the group glanced over their shoulder.
They had set up their chairs facing the wrong direction.
It’s kind of funny if the only harm done is missing a couple of pyrotechnic displays. But when a direction has to be found, when a decision just has to be made or when you really, really need someone bigger, wiser and stronger than you … don’t be looking in the wrong direction!
David knew that although the mountains were beautiful and lofty and even though many people believed they could enrich their lives or keep them safe it was not a reliable source for what he needed.
The Bible makes it clear that God can be and should be trusted to become not only the direction from which our help comes, but indeed the very Director of its arrival.
“Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.”
I Chronicles 16:11 NIV
“Seek and deeply long for the Lord and His strength [His power, His might];
Seek and deeply long for His face and His presence continually.”
Psalm 105:4 Amplified Bible
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