“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord:” Psalm 37:23 KJV You can stop temporarily and not be quitting. You can actually stop to rest without disrupting God’s plan for your life. Some are addicted to constant motion; even slowing down triggers panic. But while we celebrate God calculating the steps of […]
Archive | July, 2024
Handling Authority
“Jesus knew that the Father had given him authority over everything and that he had come from God and would return to God. 4 So he… “ John 13:3,4 NLT Jesus knew that He was the top dog on the org chart and that the Father had given him a blank check to do with as He […]
A Trustworthy Father
Nothing is impossible with God and He appears unable to resist responding to our cries. He is a Magnet of Mercy drawn to our side when we face a crisis. It doesn’t matter what the need is, as long as we don’t forget that there is always an answer and we know Who the Answer […]
From Obvious To Real
We can all be fooled, but don’t be misled by the outward and obvious. Real life is often camouflaged. Lazarus’ life was hidden in a tomb. Daniel’s life was tucked away in a ‘den of death,’ surrounded by hungry lions. The lives of the three Hebrew children were hidden inside a ferocious blast furnace. […]