Super Hero!
I don’t want to be just any Super Hero. My sights are set on something more.
There’s no desire in me to come out of a phone booth in a cape and fly off to rescue 247 passengers on a crippled jetliner. I probably wouldn’t enjoy sticking to the side of tall buildings all in the name of justice or whatever. And the idea of being able to bust out of my shirts whenever I get angry … just doesn’t do anything for me. (And especially wouldn’t impress my wife!)
But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t love being a super hero at all.
- Let me be like Noah (Genesis 6,7) who stood out in stark contrast to every other human on the earth in his desire to please his God.
- Allow me to be like Abraham in the book of Genesis who absolutely, resolutely took God’s promises to heart and lived them out.
- How I’d love to possess the fearless faith of John the Baptist who stood without flinching against the cultural miasma of his day.
- Queen Esther was willing to give everything up to stand up to injustice. Her’s was a powerful ‘do or die’ commitment!
- And there’s shepherd boy turned national hero – David. He glared down then defeated the greatest cultural icon and national champion of his day without any particular super power except his complete confidence in God. ( I Samuel 16)
- There’s Nehemiah, servant of a foreign king who realizes he was made for something more than all he had ever known. He is responsible for rebuilding the future of his race. Pretty heroic stuff.
- And how could we forget Daniel who operated out of a heart for God and a backbone strong enough to allow him to spend a night in solitary confinement in a den of lions and come out smiling the following morning!
From God’s perspective these are indeed super heroes of faith, but particularly of their own faith. Go into Hebrews chapter eleven and see the names of people God puts on his marquee and star in his most famous stories.
I am glad that God’s super heroes don’t have to have any special power of their own but can move with obedience not only under God’s power, but his direction as well.
“For I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength.”
Philippians 4:13 NLT
“But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings
like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.”
Isaiah 40:31 NLT
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