Lengthen Your Vision
How good is your ‘Faith Vision?’ Can you see up close but not very well at a distance?
We like the ‘close in’ type of faith… that which doesn’t stretch us or give us anxiety. We think we would prefer small requirements from our believing system. But we were made for much more exciting challenges.
Get ready to let go of your control of the future. Tell the fidgety part of you to chill out. Start thinking big and bold and let heaven’s Optometrist lengthen your field of vision. You were built for bold deeds and daring acts. Really!
Abraham’s faith allowed him to move in a direction he had never gone before and strike off for an unknown land which God said would be his and his decedents’ forever home. He had to be able to see around a lot of corners before stepping out.
Noah’s faith allowed him to see far into the future and work for decades preparing a vessel that would save his immediate family. He had to keep God’s plan in operation, all the while progressing amid the taunts and sarcasm of people who didn’t believe God’s word.
Gideon’s faith allowed him to stand with his 300 man army and see victory on the other side of 135,000 trained soldiers between him and that victory.
Moses’ faith allowed him to bring his people to the very edge of their promised inheritance. It required his sight to stay strong and his will determined in spite of factions, fighting, grumbling and mutinous insurrection.
Obviously, the list could continue for a long time. Great men and women of the Bible… but all with a common character trait – they all knew God had spoken and all believed and obeyed and their faith saw them around obstacles, through battles, around corners and into a future they couldn’t possibly have seen with their human wisdom
God has promised us a revival of unprecedented significance. It will shake everything in our world. Old ways of doing things will be superseded by divine instigation. And in that exciting shaking and remolding and redeeming, He very likely will challenge you to move into uncharted territory with only one promise… that He would be with you every step of the way.
Let go of fear and grab onto faith.
“For we live by faith, not by sight.” II Corinthians 5:7 NIV
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