Location, Location, Location
Places are important to God. He made a place (Eden) before He made man.
Years ago I heard someone say, “Where you are is more important than who you are.” We may not make theology out of that, but it makes perfect logical sense. The finest whale ever made would not do well in a farm yard pond. It takes an ocean for it to thrive.
There’s a place in the suburbs of Chicago that is very meaningful to Joanie and me. On the last day of August in 1957 we met there for the first time – she, coming back early from a visit with an older sister, and me, coming back from a summer in Minnesota with my uncle and aunt.
That was the kick-off point for six years of learning how captivating love could be… a wedding on August 10th of 1963 and subsequently almost 60 years of ‘happily ever after-ing’ together.
Places can be the homes we live in… favorite breakfast spots or shopping venues… any personal preference which God might like to change… even temporarily.
Look at these ‘places’ in Scripture. Jesus has gone ahead to prepare a place for us, not a kingdom, not a concept, but a place. (John 14:2) In Acts 2:1,2 the believers were in one specific place when God gave the Holy Spirit to empower his Church.
In the Old Testament, places were important. When God wanted to pass a covenant on to Jacob, he paused for the night in a place of which he later stated, “God was in this place and I didn’t realize it. (Genesis 28:10-19) God told his people that He had appointed a specific place for them – the promised land. (II Samuel 7:10)
The Prophet Elijah learned how important places could be. After confronting wicked King Ahab, he announced a major drought as a result of the nation’s sins. God tells him to leave the area and hang out at a creek in the Kerith Ravine. He tells him, “I’ve ordered the ravens to feed you there… a place.” Soon after that he is told to move to Zarephath because God has instructed a widow to feed him there. (I Kings 17)
Do you seek God for his ‘prepared places’ for you? Would you be willing to leave where you are and go to a place of God’s choosing? How lightly would you hold to your current location if God challenged you to go somewhere else?
We must handle all of life from God’s perspective. He knows precisely where we can best be available for Kingdom service. Never be afraid to find your place! It’s where God does some of his most astounding work!
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