God’s Anatomy – His Heart
“As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God”
Psalm 42:1 NLT
This is going to sound strange. But this verse epitomizes my feelings about the heart of God. This spiritual quest has only grown stronger during this Passion Week. I long for his heart more than for provision, healing or any other desire. With his heart comes all else that we need.
Jesus came to reveal God’s heart…“To see me is to see the Father.” John 14:9 MSG Every one who saw Jesus saw the heart of God as He walked with us, healed diseases, comforted hearts and even corrected behavior…even corrections saturated with his amazing heart are easy to accept.
A person’s heart is revealed in that person’s character, feelings and inclinations. God’s heart is the essence of who He is, what He does and what He wants for us. Feel God’s heart for you in this passage:
“ For the Lord your God has arrived to live among you. He is a mighty Savior.
He will give you victory. He will rejoice over you with great gladness;
he will love you and not accuse you.” Is that a joyous choir I hear?
No, it is the Lord himself exulting over you in happy song.”
Zephaniah 3:16,17 TLB
That means his heart for you causes Him to rejoice so dramatically that you can almost feel He’s seriously close to breaking into a ‘happy dance’ as He holds you in His arms! He must love you indeed to call you a son or daughter (I John 3:1)
Look what we get with the Lord as our Shepherd (Psalm 23) – every need met, restful meadow grass beside quiet streams, new strength when ours is depleted, companionship in dark valleys, and the bonus of his goodness and kindness chasing us every step of our journey! All coming from his amazing heart.
Are you struggling right now? Believe that bad news is going to win? Unsure about your support system? Let me challenge you to hide in God’s heart. It’s big enough and strong enough to put you on a firm surface.
Ps 34:17-19 – “Yes, the Lord hears the good man when he calls to him for help
and saves him out of all his troubles. The Lord is close to those
whose hearts are breaking; he rescues those who are humbly
sorry for their sins.” TLB
There’s room for everyone in his heart. It beats for each of us.
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