Where we get our information is actually more important than the information we get! Often when people begin a sentence with “They say …”, I want to stop them and ask, “Who said that and where did they get their information?” Call me skeptical but not everything we hear is factual. Some of it […]
Tag Archives: wisdom
The Power of “If”
“If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give it up for me, you will save it.” Matthew 10:39 TLB There is a tiny two letter word that has staggering implications in the decisions we make. It’s the word “if.” For instance, I could drive any fancy car out […]
Where Is Nowhere?
“However, there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries … ” Daniel 2:28 Where is ‘nowhere?’ I’m serious. We’ve all wondered where all those ‘from out of nowhere’ things came from. Haven’t we all made statement like: “I had no idea what to do, and then from out of nowhere the answer came.” “I […]