Let Others Teach You
60 Seconds of Pastor Pondering
I have committed to pray for a number of pastors and their families every day. You probably are one of them.
This morning I was reminded of how powerfully I have been taught by some of you. One pastor friend has taught me the importance of a passion for revival. Two others, in particular, have shown me how to ‘stand on a high hill’ to gain perspective and see a larger picture.
One has demonstrated the value of my immediate family and why they are so important to my ministry. There is a strong administrator who has shown me how to handle administrative duties with a smile, keeping relationships in the forefront. And still another whose love of hospitality has shown me how that element fits into my ministerial ‘package.’
I pray for several whose lives bear the beautiful fruit of having gone through much suffering and setbacks who have not only survived, but with spirit intact and a stronger love for Jesus because of it. There are several on my prayer list who have fallen badly, but who have gotten back up, accepted the love and forgiveness of God and others, and regained a strategic place in Kingdom work.
I am thinking of a couple of ‘young bucks’ in their salad years of ministry, whose exuberance and zeal remind me of what a privilege it is to serve the King!
One dear friend’s life has shown me the key to loving confrontation … a lesson that doesn’t come easily to me. And finally, there are several who have reminded me that the Gospel message is needed far beyond our shores. God’s heart for the lost is felt with every beat of their heart.
So, the purpose of this blog? Just to remind us of the lessons all around us, waiting to be learned from the lives, passions and ministries of those we serve with. Remember that in the ministries going on around us, regardless of theological strains, personality quirks or individual styles, there are ‘take away’ lessons from them all.
Never graduate from this training institute!
Paul Walterman
Fresh Heart Ministries
I have a sneaking suspicion that we may be on your list from time to time and for that we are forever grateful. Thanks for seeing us through some of the ups and downs of this thing called ministry! We love you!