Disrupting Despair


Despair needs interrupting

“Let your compassion quickly meet our needs, for we are on the brink of despair.”

Psalm 79:8 New Living Translation

It’s easy to spot.

The step slows, the eyes shift downward, shoulders slump, the future dims and the world seems a futile place. Hopelessness casts its pessimistic shadow over the landscape. Despair has arrived!

It settles in as if invited and desired. And as it blots the sun from the soul it whispers, “This is your new existence. Learn to live with it. We’re going to be hanging around together for a long, long time.”

But there is a powerful Disrupter of Despair … his name is Jesus.

–       To the soon-to-drown, terrified disciples, He comes walking on that which terrifies them … steps into their boat and commands peace to return to their lives. (Matthew 8)

–       To the disheartened sisters whose brother left them way too soon, He shouts to a recently filled tomb, “Lazarus, come on out here!” (John 11)

–       To a man host to a legion of demons, living in chains in the local cemetery, He comes with freedom and a call to ministry! (Mark 5)

–       To the woman whose hemorrhaging as lasted years and cost her everything He offers a simple touch that gives her back her future. (Matthew 9)

–       To a blind man who despaired of ever seeing what others saw … of seeing the faces of family and friends He comes with the gift of seeing eyes. (Matthew 20)

And the list could go on and on. People’s despair being permanently disrupted and turned into joy and hope and healing. Where the Despairer whispers  “Quit hoping; it’s hopeless. Your future is all behind you now,” the Disrupter says,

“To all who mourn in Israel, (I) will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair.” Isaiah 61:3 New Living Translation

 This week, don’t buy anything from the one who has nothing to sell but despair. His lies will keep the lid on your life … the joy from your soul and the future God has ordained for you just out of reach.

Instead, invite the Great Disrupter to do for you what He’s done for so many others. He has a shipment of hope, relief and “Whew” with your name on it. He knows your address, so let him deliver it.



May joy accompany you on your journey!

One Response to “Disrupting Despair”

  1. Baqiatus November 22, 2015 at 9:35 am Permalink

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