Seeds For The Future

sowing and reaping

You might say there’s a perpetual rip in the bottom of our seed bags.

We’re sowing seeds all through our lives … at times on purpose and at other times totally unaware. We sow seeds that will make us proud when they’re harvested. And at times plant seeds that will produce things that will disappoint us, cause us to hang our heads in shame.

The spiritual law of sowing and reaping is intractable – “You will always harvest what you plant.” Galatians 6:7 New Living Translation

This would make us less concerned if we lived only to ourselves. But our lives do affect others; our sins impact those around us. Consequently the seeds that we sow will ripen and touch the lives of others. Whether we made them on purpose, without thinking, in a drunken stupor, while in an uncontrollable rage or while giving in to passions that were uncontrolled.

Once planted, those seeds will grow.

Yesterday I witnessed some good seed that I had sown begin to produce a good harvest in the lives of my two youngest grandsons as they stepped into the waters of baptism to proclaim the Lordship of Jesus in their lives.

Seeds carefully planted in their dad’s life through his formative years are now invested in their lives. I must look behind me and be reminded that those behind me are living in the harvest of the things I have planted. I want that to be a good thing, not a bad thing!

Christian songwriter Steve Green said it powerfully:

Surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses

Let us run the race not only for the prize

But as those who’ve gone before us

Let us leave to those behind us

The heritage of faithfulness passed on through godly lives

Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful

This week, as I look behind me, I want to see people who are finding it easier to discover God and walk with Him because of the words and actions of my life. It is not only my responsibility, but an awesome privilege to pass the faith along!


May there be joy for your journey!

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