What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do


You can trust Him totally!

“We don’t know what to do; we’re looking to you.”

II Chronicles 20:12 The Message


Do you know what to do when you don’t know what to do!

Jehoshaphat did.

As Israel’s leader he had just been given devastating news. A ‘vast’ horde of a confederacy of three nations was ready to attack. God’s people didn’t have a fighting chance. All hope had apparently been sucked out of their lives. Their entire future now had a shelf life of just days!

And can you believe it … Jehoshaphat was terrified.

He gathered the people to fast and pray. And when they were finished he did what he knew to do when he didn’t know what to do. He reminded the frightened people (and himself) that God was powerful and actually ruled every nation on earth. He reminded them that God had invited them to seek him whenever they faced war, plague or famine.

Then he simply requested divine assistance and again acknowledged their powerlessness against such overwhelming odds. “We don’t know what to do,” he admitted. But added, “so we’re looking to you for help.”

And that’s what you do when you don’t know what to do.

It’s what the alcoholic must do when he can’t win the battle. It’s what the wife must do when her marriage appears over. It’s what the businessman must do when financially the end is near. It’s what all of us must do when the questions we ask absolutely have no answers.

The matter has no solution. The diagnosis has no remedy. The quandary has no resolution. There’s no ‘wiggle room’ … no reason … no compromise possible … no hope. There is nothing left to do.

And that’s precisely the point at which we must do the only thing we can do since we don’t know what else to do. We throw ourselves on God’s mercy, his ability, his proven love and care. We turn away from the unsolvable and look to the Solution. We purposely turn our backs on the dilemma and focus on the Deliverer.

We put our hope where it really belongs and fix our hope in the Father.

This week, make this declaration your own: “But when I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” Psalm 56:3 New Living Translation It’s your best option even when it’s your only option!








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