We Need More …
We need more than a politician telling us that the government has us covered… we need a Savior who says that underneath us are everlasting arms of care. (Deuteronomy 33:27)
We need more than a handyman to keep our home livable … we need a Savior who says he’s gone to prepare for us an eternal home. (John 14:2,3)
We need more than a landscaper who says he’s just planted another three rose bushes for us … we need a Savior who has planted us in his garden! (Psalm 92:3)
We need more than the Arrowhead water man to supply us with water that tastes good … we need a Savior who gives satisfying water that never runs out, springing up within us unto eternal life. (John 4:13,14)
We need more than a psychiatrist who says he can help us forget our past … we need a Savior who forgives our past. (I John 1:9)
We need more than an economist who says he can help us accumulate more … we need a Savior who promises to lavishly provide all we need. (Romans 8:32)
We need more than a compassionate hospice worker to make our last days comfortable … we need a Savior who promises us a personal resurrection! (John 5:29)
We need more than the apology of a parent who walked out on us when we were young … we need a Savior who promises to never leave us or forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5)
We need more than a pharmacist who prescribes drugs to help us sleep … we need a Savior who promises to give us sleep. (Psalm 127:2)
We need more than a job counselor to find a cushy, stress-free job … we need a Savior who invites us to give Him our burden and take on his easy yoke. (Matthew 11:28,29)
We need more than soothing music to take our mind off our anxieties … we need a Savior who has left us a gift that nobody else can give – his peace. (John 14:27)
There are many needs and wants in our lives and God supplies them in varied ways. But this week remember … at the foundational level God Himself sources them all.
“Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father,
who created all the lights in the heavens.
He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.”
James 1:17 New Living Translation
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