A Greeting From Paul & Joanie
What a joy to be writing this Christmas letter from Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho … our new ‘old home.’ We left this beautiful place 28 years ago and have returned to a place we truly love
In the interim we have moved many times, but it allowed us to meet and become friends with some incredible people. One of joys of the Christmas season is to turn our memories loose and let them track travels, ministry opportunities and those exceptional relationships that we now cherish so deeply.
Our family continues to bless us in many ways. Wes and his family live in Portland, Oregon while Dave and family reside in Southern California. Those two sons and their wives have blessed us with eight exceptional grandkids. We couldn’t be more happy!
Our prayer for you is that the Babe of the Manger grow into your most intimate Friend flooding your life with joy, deep peace and insatiable hope for the future.
We continue the work of Fresh Heart Ministries and the assignments
that God gives us in fulfilling that calling. We write, visit, counsel,
pray, teach and love people with all our hearts.
Paul and Joanie Walterman 3737 N. Player Drive Coeur d’ Alene, ID 83815 425 923 9000
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