Open Heavens




Amazing things begin to happen when the heavens are opened. Let’s invite heaven into our world and see the difference it will make!

What is an ‘open heaven?’ An open heaven is a spiritual portal. It can also be defined as a gate, window or door. It provides a way to bring heaven into our world. It makes possible the transfer of heaven’s agenda to overtake our own.

Note the following:

In one of the most tragic prophesies God ever made to his people in Deuteronomy chapter 28 comes this sad description of people ‘getting nowhere in their prayers: “The sky over your head will become an iron roof, the ground under your feet a slab of concrete.” Deuteronomy 28:23 MSG

 It’s a depiction of a closed heaven. Our sinfulness, indifference and disobedience to God can close heaven to us. When we put up with things that offend our Father and stymie his work in those around us, the heavens close in. It’s tough to pray during such times.

That’s the bad news. Here’s the good news – God wants our help in opening up the heavens. He could bust through our insolence and refusals, but He waits for us to welcome the presence of heaven into our godless culture.

Note… At Jesus’ baptism an open heaven welcomed the Spirit of God Matthew 3:16  As Stephen is being stoned, the heavens opened and he clearly saw Jesus. Acts 7:56  The book of Ezekiel begins with the heavens being opened and the prophet is given a nation-changing prophecy. Ezekiel 1:1  Jesus promised that an open heaven will reveal angels traveling on God’s business. John 1:51

Also, Peter experienced the heavens open and God gave him a life changing vision. Acts 10:11  God promises the financially obedient believers that He will open heaven and bless them with an overflowing blessing. Malachi 3:10

There are hundreds of millions of believers around the world who took God seriously when He challenged them to repent, turn from their wickedness and honestly seek his fact. He promised that He would hear from heaven and heal our lands. (II Chronicles 7:14)

I believe that the Church that Jesus bought with his own blood will enjoy an unprecedented atmosphere where the heavens are open and God will reveal Himself in power to people in every nation in the months to come.

What will it be like to be a believer living and ministering under an open heaven? We will explore that next week. (Just a hint… it may make it tough to sleep at night!)






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