Hopeful Waiting
Eschatology is not my strong suit. I can’t argue as to whether God will fix things with us here or gone … but fix it He will. As it states above, He will not quit until justice prevails everywhere. There is coming a day, very soon, when He will put the price tags back where they belong. When an unborn baby will be worth more than an eagle’s egg. Where integrity will get you more than bullying and scheming will. Where righteousness is applauded, not ridiculed.
That day is coming.
But in the meantime, we need to consider this possibility: it may not arrive boisterously. Jesus may have raised his voice in the temple, but mostly his kingdom and his purposes arrived quietly with little fanfare. We assume that spiritual progress must make noise, but the Kingdom often invades stealthily.
And in the process, those of us whose hearts tremble, whose wick is flickering with questions and anxiety … whose frailty is standing against tornado-like winds, He comes with hope and healing. He will not allow the reed to break or the flame to die.
God is not in a dither … nor should we be. He isn’t fraught with anxiety, nor should we be. He doesn’t believe for a second that Satan is going to win this one, nor should we.
So grab hold of the hope that He offers. If you feel you are at the end of your rope, tie and knot and hang on … his cavalry is coming. You just may not hear them!
“I will exalt you, Lord, for you rescued me.
You refused to let my enemies triumph over me.”
Psalm 30:1 New Living Translation
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