But It’s Just a Stick


Don’t know what to do with that stick in your hand?

Give it to Someone who knows how to use it!

 It’s startling, but we seldom conceive of the difference God will make in a situation!

We should know better. We’ve been around long enough to see that when God is combined with any ‘not enough’ scenario in our lives, there’s suddenly plenty for what needs to be accomplished.

God says to Moses “Pick up that stick and lead Israel to their promised land.” And Moses likely responded, “Is that stick enough for the job?” And God’s reply? “Of course not. But that stick and Me are more than enough!”

I hear another similar conversation taking place in Judges chapter seven. God says to this shy and hesitating deliverer “Give every soldier a horn, flashlight and pottery pitcher and pick a fight with the army of Midian who, by the way, outnumber you 400 to 1.” Gideon gasps at the implication and queries, “We can win a war with horns, flashlights and pots?” God smiles and says “Of course not, but when I am in the equation, those are more than adequate for a routing of the Midianites.”

It’s a story told throughout Scripture. God using little to do much, like turning a kid’s Happy Meal into a meal for thousands. God confounded the religiously trained elite with the testimony of simple, ordinary men who sailed into the conflict with only a faith in the power and Word of their God.

It’s an ongoing story that begs to be told to our generation … just don’t count God out of the picture. We can become severe realists, practical to the core, or use our mental acuity to size up any situation and come up with our idea of its outcome, but it often strips God of his omnipotence and omniscience. We simply fail to take our relationship with Him seriously for the job at hand.

If what you presently hold in your hand – your physical ability, your quick thinking, or your prepared resources are all you can count on… your story might not have a happy ending.

However, if you choose to follow that wild ‘what if’ in your soul … if you begin to see the struggle as just one more time when your God wants to miraculously step into the picture … if you dare to believe that what you are seeing isn’t really all there is to the picture, then stand back and give control of the outcome to your Father.

Give that stick to Someone who knows how to use it!

“So, what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose?.“

        Romans 8:31-34 MSG

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