Don’t Write “The End” Until It Is

It may never been this dark, this lonely, this hopeless before. But God remains fully God and you remain forever His loved and chosen child.

It was a quiet, relentless building terror.

It wasn’t like the door being broken down with invaders rushing into my life. Its stranglehold actually began as a prayer… a request for Divine help. I had offered such petitions many times in the past and almost always the answer took time. More time than I willingly granted it, but the answers did come.

So armed with this history I was mature enough to give it some time. So I waited and waited and waited some more.(Psalm 40:1 TPT) But this time it didn’t appear to be working! The wait had no discernible end. The fear of no response became an all-consuming nightmare. The light at the end of the tunnel flickered to nothing but a faint memory.

This had become the darkest night, the deepest discouragement and certainly the highest and most frightening mountain I had ever attempted to scale. Since all light had disappeared, I hung on by my fingertips, clinging to a cliff over an abyss with no bottom. I had never faced such stark devastating news. Had God failed – or had my faith? Either way, I was in trouble.

In a moment of temporary clearing my mind remembered something. King David had faced similar times of fear and questioning and a relinquishing of almost all hope. Psalm 22 records it in detail. David had felt abandoned, distant from God, not hearing from Him, being jeered by those watching him, completely exhausted and felt the breath of his enemies closing in.

 He thought, maybe, just maybe I must somehow hang on just a bit longer! AND THE ANSWER CAME IN THE VERY LAST ‘NICK OF TIME.’

Satan always attempts to thwart God’s work in our lives. His intent is to steal any God-given answer to our prayers. God will apparently allow him the latitude to get us to this ‘side-of-the-abyss’ moment to see what we will do. And if we do the right thing, he loses everything and we receive God’s answer.

Don’t write “The End” until it really is.

David’s closing comments at the end of his wait:

For He has not despised my cries of deep despair. He’s my first responder to my sufferings, and when I was in pain, He was there all the time and heard the cries of the afflicted. Future generations will hear from us about the wonders of the Victorious Lord. His generation yet to be born will glorify Him.” Psalm 22:30,31

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