Oops, My Bad
I recently reposted a devotional aimed at my Pastor mailing list (Just Another Monday). I didn’t realize it would also be sent to all the rest of you who receive the Monday morning devotional
. So sorry for the mix-up. And, no, that was never a history of one of my days while pastoring. It was a conglomeration of things every pastor has faced, but not usually all in a two day period! And it was not ‘my story’ but a mixture most pastors would relate to.
You have to know that my heart aches at times for pastors and I intercede for them every day. That devotional was to serve as a reminder to each pastor that God’s call to shepherd His sheep is an awesome invitation that most pastors understand will be accompanied on some days with challenges.
Be blessed this week… your Monday Fresh Heart Devotional will arrive tomorrow morning.
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