Archive by Author

Ignore despair and grab onto hope. God has enough of whaat you need to get you where you both want to go!

Ignoring The Despair Whisperer

Listening to the ‘Despair Whisperer’ is always a step in the wrong direction! He tells you that hope is hopeless, that nothing will change. He’ll disparage your future by reminding you of your past. Instead,“ turn your attention to the Great Disrupter of Despair: “To all who mourn in Israel, (I) will give a crown […]


Open That Clenched Fist

  In a world and culture of scams, swindlers and downright crooks, it’s hard not letting fear and quick judgments overrule liberality. Sometimes an unusual burst of liberality in our souls is embezzled by fear of being taken advantage of. We are afraid there isn’t enough to share with anybody else. This thinking is contrary […]

Pay attention to God's traffic signals as you follow His heart and plans for your life.

Steps and Stops

“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord:” Psalm 37:23 KJV You can stop temporarily and not be quitting. You can actually stop to rest without disrupting God’s plan for your life. Some are addicted to constant motion; even slowing down triggers panic. But while we celebrate God calculating the steps of […]


From Obvious To Real

  We can all be fooled, but don’t be misled by the outward and obvious. Real life is often camouflaged. Lazarus’ life was hidden in a tomb. Daniel’s life was tucked away in a ‘den of death,’ surrounded by hungry lions. The lives of the three Hebrew children were hidden inside a ferocious blast furnace. […]


Don’t Clap For Just Anybody!

“…And at that time every man will have the applause of God.” I Corinthians 4:5   Many people are waiting for the ‘applause of heaven’ on their lives. But heaven’s saints only applaud what God applauds, and He’s careful who receives His ‘atta-boys’ and ‘atta-girls.’ Jesus said that some will say to me, “Lord, Lord! […]