
A Christmas Dilemma

  ‘Pre-believers’ (people who have yet haven’t invited Jesus into their hearts) have a bit of dilemma during the Christmas holidays. The reason? There are two major male men who appear to vie for our attention. Yep! Jesus and Santa Clause. Do I dislike Santa Clause? No I do not. He’s not any competition for […]


Live Christmas This Year

  You can be a Christmas fanatic without really understanding the full extent of God’s part in the season. The birth of Christ separated time into two distinct units… the simple fact is, Jesus made a huge difference and continues making a huge difference in our world. Yet His birth didn’t add breathtaking beauty that […]

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It’s Your Attitude, Dude!

A pre-Thanksgiving reminder from “Fresh Heart For a New Day – Volume 2  from November 25   gratitude… the positive state of being grateful; an overwhelming feeling of appreciation and thankfulness, and the desire to return kindness to others. Don’t go through Thanksgiving … without expressing any! Praise is the recognition of who God is; […]

God expects His values and agenda to affect us at election time. The best chance at righteousness must be included in this election!

Sitting This One Out!

As God’s governing body in this world, we are called to be the spiritual ‘trendsetters,’ pioneers and truth advancers. It was God’s call to Adam and Eve and He expects us to show up for our work as God-revealers, and best enthusiasts of God’s ideas for a righteous nation . That’s what He’s counting on! […]


I Hate Laugh Tracks!

  I hate ‘laugh tracks! When television first entered our world, producers and telecasters were smart enough to assume we knew what was funny and what wasn’t. This will age me beyond recovery for many of you, but… Howdy Dowdy let me laugh at anything I thought was funny. And it worked. I could develop […]

Everything that can distract us or defeat us or hold us back, must be shaken of!

Shake Off The Snake

  He was the New Testament’s official ‘globetrotter’. His three missionary journeys and final trip to Rome took the last 36 years of his life, covered over 9000 miles walking or sailing and the cost (in today’s currency) for his in-transit travel expenses would be roughly $300,000.  That doesn’t include Paul’s expenses once he arrived […]

You have a warrior in you! Get your armor on and let God teach you how to fight on your knees!

We Don’t Sing “Onward Christian Soldiers” Anymore

“A time for war; A time for peace.” Ecclesiastes 3:8 TLB   There was a time in the past when God’s people had a stomach for spiritual battles! We’d raise our voices and sing: “Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war; with the cross of Jesus, going on before.” (Sabine Baring-Gould) There was militancy in […]