God In The Neighborhood

God is here!
God In The Neighborhood

“So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.” John 1:14 New Living Translation

The Word became flesh, moved into the neighborhood and stayed.

And oh, how we needed his arrival!

Our lives were too tangled … our hopelessness was too entrenched … our sins were too unmanageable … our relationships were too fractured … our futures were too desolate … and our hearts were too broken. We needed a Savior!

We didn’t need a God who only showed up for a week-end visit. We needed more from Him than being a waypoint on his journey. We craved more than being part of a public relations tour with pictures to prove He had stopped by. We were desperate for someone to come to us ‘on purpose’ and to stay with us.

From the birth of Jesus to his death three decades later, we began to comprehend that God was here. He was here ‘on purpose’ and intended to stay. He would deal with our sins, give us hope, untangle the knots we had made in our lives, repair and restore broken relationships, heal our hearts and give us a glorious future.

Even when Jesus left to return to his Father, it didn’t mark the end of ‘God with us.’ According to John 14:17 because of God’s Holy Spirit, He would not just continue to be with us, but actually in us. We now become the flesh that God clothes Himself in to continue ministering to a hurting world.

This week there’s still a critical need for a God to show up ‘on purpose’ and with the intention of staying in the neighborhood. It’s why God has you where you live. You have the joy and privilege of being the hands and mouth and heart of God in the lives of those around you.


May there be joy for your journey!








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