Getting Ready For Church


Moving Toward A Meeting With God


So, how do you get ready for church? I know the physical logistics of the preparation.

You decide what to wear (unless you are a woman and have done it the night before.) Then a little breakfast and in the haste to leave the house, family tensions can mount. Maybe a bit of arguing on the drive, then the spiritual ‘happy faces’ come on as you pull into the parking lot. The usher handing you a bulletin assumes this is the favorite time of your week.

That’s the physical part of preparation, but how do you get ready spiritually? Just as normal hunger brings us to the table to eat, so our spiritual hunger should provide a strong incentive to meet with God.

In preparation for attending church we should exhibit some of the anticipation of the crippled man in Acts 3 who met Peter and John. When they walked toward him he “paid attention to them, expecting that he was going to get something from them.” Acts 3:5 Amplified Bible

I believe we’d receive more if we expected more.

What if we went to church not to be at church, not to see our friends, not to fulfill some spiritual obligation … but to actually meet God? Psalm 107:9 assures us that God “satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things” New Living Translation.  He provides the food. I provide the hunger.

One last thing.

If you are hungering for God’s presence and truly expect Him to meet you there … why show up late? Half of the congregation isn’t in the sanctuary when the service starts in most churches. Fully a fourth of them haven’t even showed up after fifteen minutes!

Sometimes being late can’t be helped. That’s accidental tardiness. But being habitually late is a bad habit that treats God with less respect than we give our dentist or kid’s soccer coach. Retool your thinking about Sunday mornings. If we are half as excited to meet with God as He is about meeting with us, something truly transforming will happen.

The Psalmist said, “I thirst for God, the living God. When can I go and stand before him?” Psalm 42:2 New Living Translation

How about this Sunday?


May you have joy and anticipation for his presence as you journey!





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2 Responses to “Getting Ready For Church”

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  2. Zulkifli November 22, 2015 at 12:28 pm Permalink

    容永祺和陳世強這類商家 吃共米 天啊 他們所作所為跟共產主義南轅北轍 代表保險界的容永祺會支持政府搞全民養老金好讓市民買少幾份保單嗎 別天真別傻了 連對方靠攏的是共產主義抑或 扮 民族主義也搞不清 與梁安琪和維園阿伯的迷糊何異 自從鄧小平以 改革開放 之名走資 中共的 共 字已經差不多可以去掉 作為治國原則的共產主義如今無人信奉也無人實行 政權的地位只有兩條柱支撐 一是經濟增長 一是民族主義 合起來就是為 大國崛起 白痴似地歡欣雀躍 如斯局面 再把北大人所作為等同 共產 是吝於追上形勢 是怠惰 或者僵化 左派 = 共產 = 毛澤東史太林 = 極權大政府 = 無自由失自由 = 邪惡 這種對左派的刻板印象是冷戰時代的政治宣傳 麥卡錫應該很喜歡吧 冷戰結束多年 仍有香港人執迷不悟 正好讓親中商家大玩語言遊戲 拋出 民主會帶來福利主義 福利主義就是共產 之類的對白恫嚇群眾 阻礙全民普選 執著冷戰語言到底對誰有利 請三思 請不要誤會 政治學上的左右之分來自1789年的法國議會座席編排 你提出的一堆東西屬於reign of terorr年代 那時候根本未發生 你對法國大革命的描述也非常偏頗 完全是曾蔭權 民主等如文革 的穩定壓倒一切視點 難道伏爾泰和盧梭在你心目中的價值也不過是暴民一件 Robespierre一死 reign of terorr即告終結 是法國大革命還是他個人比較有問題 沒有法國大革命 就沒有歐洲封建皇朝的骨牌倒台 洋人今時今日依舊相信君權神授 沒有民主沒有自由沒有社會福利 如此一來 我們如今若非被仍滿清皇朝統治 大概就是像美洲原住民那般 被野蠻又傲慢的歐洲殖民者以神之名奴役 得罪他們就會被處以火刑吧 1871年的巴黎公社堪稱偉大 是人民自治的歷史性嘗試 為了將它摧毀 先揮軍開入巴黎屠城 隨後非法審判大批政治犯 處決數以萬計人民的 是法國政府 不是革命 歷來各國文化都以”右”代表”正 脫離脈絡地將左右之分看成單純的褒貶 正邪 忠奸 是無意義的 那只是人們隨意加上的標籤 並不是 左 右 的本質 所以你不會說左腦思考等於錯誤 也不會用右手舉起豬肉刀剁掉自己的左手後振 獨 臂高呼 正義戰勝了邪惡 就算當真 歷來各國文化都以”右”代表”正 可能也只是因為人類天生右撇子比較多而已 如何界定 左 右 的象徵意義 端視乎我們置身於怎樣的社會脈絡 又想做甚麼事 Susan George和Noam Chomsky被公認 不是自認 為左派 是因為他們反對新自由主義和帝國主義等公認的右派主張 絕不是抽空於政治脈絡之下隨意當褒詞貶詞 現實是 世界通行的政治討論都是如此界定左右 不是用舊約聖經或中國封建皇朝的語言去界定 我們身處二千年前的猶太人社會還是廿一世紀的香港 我們要不要與全球進步的政治思潮交流接軌 實現international solidarity 順手送上梁安琪 博諸君一笑

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