Playing the Waiting Game
Ever had one of those days when you start with such enthusiasm, strength and determination that it’s sometime after lunch when you realize that God hasn’t caught up with you.
“Why can’t He keep up? What’s He doing back there?” you wonder as you look back over your shoulder.
The truth is … He may just be waiting back there for you! There’s a waiting game going on and two of you may be playing it. Look at this interesting observation from the prophet Isaiah.
“So the Lord must wait for you to come to him
so he can show you his love and compassion.
For the Lord is a faithful God.
Blessed are those who wait for his help.”
Isaiah 30:18 New Living Translation
God does a lot of waiting for us. He waits for us to grasp his glory, to admit we’re lost until we find him. He waits for us to respond to his love, to receive his forgiveness and to turn from our willful sins. God waits to develop a relationship with his creation. After taking the first step in this process by sending his Son, He now waits for us.
God also waits to show us which way to go. It’s a bit of an embarrassment and waste of time to get down the road, look around in bewilderment and then backtrack to the last fork and see God standing there pointing to the road you hadn’t taken.
And that’s where the second half of our Scripture comes into play. “Blessed are those who wait for his help” we are reminded.
This week, don’t make God wait. He knows when the fruit you’ve been longing for is ripe (James 5:7). He know when your heart’s desire is attainable and ready for you. He is aware of obstacles that must be dealt with before you should proceed. While conventional thinking tells you, “It’s out there … go get it,” God could be saying to you, “It’s out there … wait for it.”
“The Lord is wonderfully good to those who wait for him,
to those who seek for him.”
Lamentations 3:25 The Living Bible
Do you have your copy of Fresh Heart For a New Day? It’s available for purchase through Amazon, Barnes and Noble and through your local Christian bookstore. Start each day this year with a bit of ‘fresh heart’ for your journey!
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