Trusting God’s Directions – Part 4
God can make a way when there seems to be no way. Don’t believe it? Israel had trouble too … at first!
God wants you to get where He wants you to go …
More than you want to get where He wants you to go!
They stared with panic at the scene before them. Glancing behind them they realized there was no going back. The rocky hills on both sides of them mocked any movement in either of those directions.
Why, oh why, would God start them on a journey only to lead them into this death trap?
We know what’s going to happen, but Israel didn’t. And we can’t scold them because in the same circumstances we tend to react in the same way, with panic and frustration over God’s ‘navigational breakdown.’
Only the breakdown was about to become a break-out. The testimony of their biographer Asaph in Psalm 77:19 says this: “Your road led by a pathway through the sea—a pathway no one knew was there!” Living Bible
What looked like a total fiasco turned (on the other side of the Red Sea) into one of Israel’s favorite hiking songs found in Exodus 15. Some of us have sung this song in our churches … “I will sing unto the Lord for He has triumphed gloriously, the horse and rider thrown into the sea.”
We’ve talked about trusting God’s great heart … about trusting him with the details of our lives and trusting him when what we pray for and wait for is delayed. But trusting him for direction is sometimes the hardest.
As we walk with God, over time the panic of not knowing lessens. When God first reveals a road ‘no one knew was there’ we sigh with relief and hope we never have an experience like that again. But we always do … for we always must. Squinting into the darkness and finding God in that dark time is what builds trust and faith. We learn He’s always there with the directions we need.
As confidence in God grows, fear and anxiety must relax their hold on our hearts.
This week take joy in the working of a Father with a child as He takes us from shaking fear to the confident declaration: “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Romans 8:28 NLT
Walk on in trust. Leave panic behind.
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