May I Help You?
We are surrounded by people who need help in their lives. The matrix of life has become very confusing. Things we are being told are frightening. Some have lost sight of their goals and have relinquished their dreams in this dark time.
Multiplied millions desperately need help right now.
Just as Jesus spent his life asking people if He could help them, as his followers, we should be following this protocol. Jesus didn’t come to be served, but to serve. We have the honor and divine responsibility of living our lives as He did his.
But before we ask someone if we can help, we need to be sure that we have what they need … that our cupboards are stocked and we’re confident of our supply line.
People who ask for dog food at a gas station will not be helped. Asking for a refrigerator at a pharmacy will do you no good. Asking a homeless person to help you with your rent is most likely an effort in futility.
God has given us the powerful potential of being major help to people who don’t know where else to look.
If I ask someone if I can help them and they say, “I am scared,” they need me to tell them that there is safety and security in Jesus. (So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you;” Isaiah 41:10 NIV)
If they are confused, they need to know that God loves giving directions and leading us safely. (“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21 NIV)
Whatever need is presented us, we must personally have what they are seeking or be able to tell them how to get it. We can’t be like the good-intentioned man who attempted to talk someone from jumping from a bridge. “What could be so wrong,” he asked, “that you would consider taking your own life?” After the other man shared with him for some minutes, they both jumped.
That may be a corny joke, but when we are commissioned to live like Jesus did, we must be serious possessors of what frightened, lonely and confused people are looking for.
Stock up your storehouse and prepare to minister for the Lord.
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