
Sorry for the errors…

Dear Reader,

The Fresh Heart devotional you received on Monday contained two errors. The first was harmless. In the fourth paragraph the phrase “if we’re no careful” should have read “if we’re not careful.”

You may have simply read it as it should have been. That’s what I had done many times in proofing the devotional! But I’m not supposed to read it the way it should have been, but catch and correct it before it gets to you.

The second mistake was a major one. In speaking of abortion I mentioned the horror of ‘6 million babies thrown away’ when the horror really is that I missed the actual number by 56 million precious lives snuffed out prematurely by a culture that should know the deep sin it is commiting. If only 6 million it should cause us a great spiritual pause… but 62 million should bring us to our knees.

Be blessed…


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