Head West, Pioneer!
“This is what the Lord says:
‘Stop at the crossroads and look around.
Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it.
Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls.’
But you reply, ‘No, that’s not the road we want!’”
Jeremiah 6:16 NLT
I long for the ‘old godly ways’ and not because I’d rather live in the past, and not because I’m melancholy and get misty-eyes over anything that’s old.
I miss the safety in those ‘godly ways.’ I miss the clear distinction between what’s right and what’s wrong that almost everybody felt. We may have disagreed totally on political ideas, parenting styles, or which church to attend, but we shared core values that closely paralleled God’s Word.
Many of us now live in places we’d rather not live. We’ve been marginalized, had rights removed and our cities now don’t attract but scare us. We wonder if there is a solution to the mess around us right now.
But if we pay attention, we begin to hear prophetic words and Biblical messages on the kind of place we’d all rather be.
I believe that place is called “Revival.” It speaks of God’s Spirit being outpoured as He has done many times in earth’s history. Scripture makes it clear that if we call, God will answer. If his people will repent and turn from their wicked ways and cry out for mercy… He is sure to respond. (II Chronicles 7:14)
And so, from our places of isolation and despair something spiritually like the lure of the uncharted and far away ‘old west’ is birthed in our hearts and souls. There is a better place to live. There is a balm ready to heal the weary soul. There is a place to live that offers what our hearts desperately search for.
So, like those hemmed in and hungry for real freedom and the room to maneuver, we decide to head ‘west.’ We become pioneers who have never been where they are heading for but decide to become trail-makers and way-makers. We will live with discomfort and altered schedules to get there.
We’re willing to make the journey!
The ‘west’ we are talking about is not a location but a movement. It’s agreeing with God that He can provide what we long for… a standard that doesn’t deviate… a love and care that defies description as we move into his presence and power.
We don’t have to live fettered by sin’s influences. There is a breakthrough for any pioneer willing to leave where they are and move out in faith towards God’s promises.
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