It’s ‘Digging In’ Time

There’s a Lion in you. Quit backing up from the spiritual battle. We win through obedience to the Lion!


After boldly facing down 850 prophets of Baal and Asherah on Mt Carmel, calling down divine fire from heaven and having the false prophets put to death… Elijah had one more task, proclaiming the return of rain after almost three years of God-inflicted drought.

You’d think he’d be higher than a kite, at least spiritually, but this spiritual giant crumbled under the threats of the king’s wife! He withered under her hateful glare and turned away from what had just happened in the unseen world and focused on only the natural realm. Elijah had become ‘politically correct’ but spiritually incorrect in his faulty view leaving God totally out of the picture.

God interrupted his sad solo of misery and whining and reminded him sternly that he wasn’t in this battle by himself… he had colleagues in the thousands who stood with him in this battle for the nation.

What about you?

As believers, who sadly can often quote whole dialogs from a 1984 movie yet struggle to remember God’s Word to them from last Sunday’s message, we need to make some corrections. IF YOU’VE EVER NEEDED TO HEAR FROM GOD, IT’S NOW!

  1. Become prophetic. That doesn’t mean standing up in church and speaking… it means being aware of what God is doing. It means thinking and speaking from a horizon-to- horizon view, from eternity past into eternity future. There’s a divine plan being played out.
  2. Ask what God’s assignment for you is during this strategic time, and what tools will you need to have and use.
  3. Be patient. Wait on the Lord. If you will listen, He will speak (but He must have quiet time with you… He refuses to try to speak over the noise in your life.)
  4. Don’t give up and don’t blow up. You are not to fight this battle alone; there are millions of other believes right alongside you and God’s Spirit is in you. Stay strong.
  5. Be bold! Even the most timid have a Lion living in them! God sees you as a ‘giant killer’.
  6. Be obedient. Spiritual knowledge, spiritual callings, great teaching and good intentions will not win this spiritual battle. We must obey the One who leads us into battle and who has already decreed victory in every skirmish we take on.
  7. Eat healthy. If you eat more junk food than nourishing food… shame on you. (And this isn’t about physical nutrition!) Starving ourselves of God’s Word is stupidity in any era, but lethal in the world we live in.

… “If God is for us, who can ever be against us?”

Romans 8:31 NLT






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