In my devotional reading this morning I read of King David’s confession, repentance and humility after his affair with Bathsheba and the ordered murder of her husband (II Samuel 11,12). No excuses or alibis, just a contrite and repentant heart. What a contrast with the chump Saul. We met his son Jonathan (last week’s […]
Tag Archives: disobedience
Scissors and the Word
What a difference a leader makes! Little Josiah was only eight years old when he became king of Judah. Both his father and grandfather had failed miserably as godly kings before him. But in his eighteenth year as ruler, this twenty-six year old monarch was given a copy of God’s covenant with Israel. As […]
WE CAN’T MOCK GOD …and get away with it!
When it comes to obeying the law, most of us pick and choose. I won’t text and drive, but I will drive 10 MPH over the limit I wouldn’t think of running a red light, but will jaywalk occasionally Some rules seem so flimsy, obscure or absolutely meaningless that they’re fairly easy to […]