False Statements
“Conventional Wisdom”
#1 “Stand still and don’t move. Maybe God won’t notice you!”
#2 “Jesus is coming… look busy!”
Both statements are embarrassingly stupid for Christians.
We’ve talked for five weeks about the dream in God’s heart that’s been built into each believer. It’s in our DNA… detailed instructions for our lives. Our dreams are but a smaller part of His, but our dreams are to take directions from His. We become partners.
God doesn’t fail to notice you because you aren’t moving. You’ve been on His radar since He formed you in your mother’s womb.
There’s a special place for your characteristics, personality, mannerisms and gifts that fit his plans for you perfectly. God grieves when we act independently of His voice. Don’t attempt to hide but begin to explore what’s been put in your heart. Ask God to share His dream with you and then look for creative ways to make it happen.
Secondly, don’t try to ‘look busy’ when you can with excitement and creativity ‘be busy’ for Him. God isn’t into busy work. He doesn’t send you to the library to recopy the life stories of others and write them in your notebook! Don’t live out of someone else’s suitcase.
God isn’t looking for ‘non-movers and fakers,’ He’s on the lookout for energetic ‘movers and shakers.’ “That energy is God’s energy, an energy deep within you, God himself willing and working at what will give him the most pleasure.” Philippians 2:13 MSG
It’s so much more satisfying to be busy and productive than hiding and shameful. There’s enough agenda in God’s Kingdom building that none of us should ever go to bed at night bored… exhausted maybe, but never bored.
So take to heart these words from one of God’s hardest working dream-carriers, the Apostle Paul. Let them challenge you to throw yourself into seeing God’s dreams enacted in real life.
“And there are [distinctive] ways of working [to accomplish things],
but it is the same God who produces all things in all believers
[inspiring, energizing, and empowering them].”
I Corinthians 12:6 AMP
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